Returns and Refund Policy
You may cancel your Order at any time before we dispatch the Goods or within 14 days of receipt of the Goods. If you have already paid for the Goods, the payment will be refunded to you within 14 days of your cancellation.
We may cancel your Order at any time before we despatch the Goods in the following circumstances:
The Goods are no longer in stock and we are unable to re-stock (if, for example, the goods are discontinued); or
An event outside of our control continues for more than 14 days.
Any refund due to you will be made using the same method you used for payment of the Goods. Refunds will be made as soon as possible after Goods are returned. If you are exercising your right of cancellation during the 14 day 'cooling off' period we will issue your refund within 14 days of you returning the Goods (and providing evidence of the same) or our receipt of the Goods.
The Customer (you) is responsible for any shipping fees necessary in making a return including any Customs or VAT expenses incurred during the return process.
If you discover that some or all of the Goods do not meet standards (Please read Disclaimer before placing an order), you can either reject them within 30 days of their receipt by notice in writing to us, or require us to repair or replace them, or (if we fail to do that) require us to refund you the price of the defective Goods. This will only apply, however, if you have done the following:
Given us a reasonable opportunity of examining the Goods, and
Returned the Goods to us at our address and cost, if requested.
Our promise does not apply if:
You continue to use the Goods after you have given us Notice of a defect;
The defect has arisen because you have failed to follow any written or oral instructions on the use, storage, installation, or maintenance of the Goods;
The defect arises because we followed your instructions, specifications, drawing or design;
You alter or repair the Goods without previously getting our written agreement;
The defect is a result of fair wear and tear, negligence, (being your lack of reasonable care), abnormal storage or working conditions, or deliberate damage;
Changes have been made to the goods to comply with regulations which apply to them.